This is a joint
publication by the United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United
Nations Institute of Training and Research (UNITAR)
produced by Zoï Environment Network.
The project to address primary Mercury
Mining in Kyrgyzstan has
been generously supported by the Governments
of Switzerland, the
United States of America and Norway.
Printed on 100 % recycled paper at
Imprimerie Nouvelle Gonnet,
F-01303 Belley, France
Copyright © 2009
ISBN: 978-82-7701-071-7
Cover artwork: Mural in the palace of
culture, Khaidarkan
This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part in
any form for educational or non-profi
purposes without special permission from
the copyright holders, provided acknowledgement of
the source is made. UNEP, UNITAR and
Zoï Environment Network would appreciate
receiving a copy of any material that uses this
publication as a source. No use of
this publication may be made for resale or for any
commercial purpose whatsoever without prior permission in
written form from the copyright
holders. The use of information from this publication
concerning proprietary products for advertising is
not permitted.
The views expressed in this document are those of the
authors and do not necessarily
views of the partner organizations or their
member countries.
The designations employed and the
presentation of the material in this publication do not imply
the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the
United Nations Environment Programme, the United Nations
Institute for Training and Research nor Zoï Environment Network
concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or
area or of its authorities, or concerning delimitation of its
frontiers or boundaries. Mention of a commercial company or
product does not imply endorsement by the cooperating partners.
We regret any errors or omissions that may unwittingly have been
made. Moreover, the views expressed do not necessarily represent
the decision or the stated policy of the United Nations
Environment Programme, the United Nations Institute for Training
and Research or Zoï Environment Network, nor does citing of
trade names or commercial processes constitute endorsement.
A climate Neutral publication
The production and transport of each copy of this booklet has
released about 0.4 kilogram’s of CO2-equivalent into the
atmosphere. This is about the amount of CO2 released when
driving an offroader (burning 14 litres per 100 km) for 1
kilometre. Factors taken into consideration for this calculation
are paper, printing and energy consumption of office and
computer use and shipping of the final product. The use of
sustainably produced paper and plant-based
ink helped to lower the climate impact.
In order to compensate for the total amount of 3.5 tonnes of CO2
eq generated by the project, we purchased the according amount
of carbon offsets with the help of the Swiss foundation
myclimate. The
money (84 EUR) will be invested in a Gold Standard project.